A.N.T. Farm Season 1

01. TranplANTed
02. ParticipANTs
03. The PhANTom Locker
04. SciANTs fair
05. StudANT Council
06. Bad RomANTs
07. The InformANT
08. ReplicANT
09. ClairvoyANT
10. ManagemANT
11. PhilANThropy
12. FraudulANT
13. ReplacemANT
14. MutANT Farm
15. cANTonese style cuisine
16.IgnorANTs Is Bliss
17. Slumber Party ANTics
18. America Needs TalANT
19. SANTa's Little Helpers 
20. You're the One That I wANT
21. PerformANTs
22. Some EnchANTed Evening
23. PatANT Pending
24. Ballet DANTser
25. Body of evidANTs


  1. I love this so wen i miss a episode i go on here

  2. i llove this i now catch up on all of disney channels tv show i watch 3 or 2 a day and im loving it

  3. I love ant farm It's so cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. thanks so much but please do more episodes because these are somewhat old

  5. I love A.N.T. farm I want more apisode

  6. eswyn saville i love A.N.T F.A.R.M

  7. eu amo esse programa !!!
    minha personagem favorita é a china !
    eu amo as suas musicas china e vivo cantando !!!

  8. me to I love A.N.T Farm and The person that I like is China
